************ Installation ************ Dependencies ------------ - NumPy - SciPy >= 0.14.0 - Pandas >= 0.16.0 - Cython >= 0.20.0 - Statsmodels >= 0.8.0; note that this has not yet been released, so for the time being the development version must be installed prior to installing DismalPy. - Git (this is required to install the development version of Statsmodels) There are a few optional dependencies: - Matplotlib; this is required for plotting functionality - Nose; this is required for running the test suite - IPython; this is required for running the examples or building the documentation Procedure --------- The most straightforward way to install DismalPy is using pip. The following steps should be followed. 1. Install git. Instructions are available many places, for example at https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git 2. Install the development version of Statsmodels using the following command: :: pip install git+git://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels.git 3. Install DismalPy :: pip install dismalpy At this point, the package should installed. If you have the Nose package installed, you can test for a successful installation by running the following command (this may take a few minutes): :: python -c "import dismalpy as dp; dp.test();" There should be no failures (although a number of Warnings are to be expected). Installing from source ---------------------- Here we assume that the dependencies have already been installed (see above). The source code can be obtained from the `Github repository `_. If you have git installed (see above), you can use the following command: :: git clone git://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels.git Then assuming you have the appropriate compiler support (for example XCode on Mac OS X and mingw32 or the Microsoft SDK on Windows), you can build the source using the following command, from inside the base dismalpy directory: :: python setup.py install