

  • NumPy
  • SciPy >= 0.14.0
  • Pandas >= 0.16.0
  • Cython >= 0.20.0
  • Statsmodels >= 0.8.0; note that this has not yet been released, so for the time being the development version must be installed prior to installing DismalPy.
  • Git (this is required to install the development version of Statsmodels)

There are a few optional dependencies:

  • Matplotlib; this is required for plotting functionality
  • Nose; this is required for running the test suite
  • IPython; this is required for running the examples or building the documentation


The most straightforward way to install DismalPy is using pip. The following steps should be followed.

  1. Install git. Instructions are available many places, for example at

  2. Install the development version of Statsmodels using the following command:

    pip install git+git://
  3. Install DismalPy

    pip install dismalpy

At this point, the package should installed. If you have the Nose package installed, you can test for a successful installation by running the following command (this may take a few minutes):

python -c "import dismalpy as dp; dp.test();"

There should be no failures (although a number of Warnings are to be expected).

Installing from source

Here we assume that the dependencies have already been installed (see above).

The source code can be obtained from the Github repository. If you have git installed (see above), you can use the following command:

git clone git://

Then assuming you have the appropriate compiler support (for example XCode on Mac OS X and mingw32 or the Microsoft SDK on Windows), you can build the source using the following command, from inside the base dismalpy directory:

python install